Welcome To Arevamanuk Psyhological Center

Arevamanuk Psychosocial Support Fund not only provides the best psychological services, but also provides social support to people in difficult life situations.

Arevamanuk Psycho-Social Support Foundation in Gyumri, Armenia, stands as a pillar of strength and hope for the local community. With a steadfast commitment to mental health and psychosocial well-being, Arevamanuk offers a wide array of services, from individual counseling and group therapy to trauma recovery programs and educational initiatives. In the heart of Gyumri, Arevamanuk is a guiding light, fostering resilience, restoring hope, and empowering lives through compassionate and professional support.

Armine Gmyur

We are the guardians of mental health, the beacons of hope, and the guiding hands for those navigating the intricate labyrinth of the human mind. Arevamanuk was the first psychological center in Armenia that came to help people approach their stress and depression.

In a world that sometimes seems overrun with stress, anxiety, and despair, our role becomes more vital than ever. Our work is not just a profession; it is a vocation, a calling to serve humanity. We provide a safe space where people can unravel the complexities of their emotions, confront their fears, and find the strength within themselves to rebuild their lives.

As certified psychologists and psychotherapists, we must continually strive for excellence, staying at the forefront of research and therapy techniques. We must be compassionate, empathetic, and nonjudgmental, for our clients often bear the heaviest burdens of their lives on our shoulders.

Together, we shape a world where healing, understanding, and compassion prevail, one client at a time.

Armine Gmyur

Services provided by our Best Psychologists

At Arevamanuk, our experienced psychologists and psychotherapists are here to guide you to emotional well-being and resilience.


years of work experience


Completed Projects


Successful Therapy

Arevamanuk's team of professionals use proven methods and advanced approaches to help you achieve your mental and psychological health goals.

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Your mental health is our priority

Հոգեբանական Թերապիա — Ծառայություններ

Stress and Worry

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Family difficulties

Pellentesque ac lectus nec leo euismod ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit amet risus.

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Grief and Loss

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Book an Appointment


Do you want counseling before therapy?

Shahumyan 69,

Gyumri, Armenia

Arevamanuk Psychological Center

A little about our partners who trusted us

Завершенные проекты

Below are the organizations with which Arevamanuk has successfully implemented and continues to implement a number of social-psychological programs.
Below are the organizations with which Arevamanuk has successfully implemented and continues to implement a number of social-psychological programs.
Armenian Caritas PAPSince 2001
USAIDSince 2002
UNICEFSinnce 2005
BICESince 2019
KasaSince 2007
ICRCSince 2011
RA MօESCSSince 2020
OAK FoundationSince 2010

Who are we

Arevamanuk is the first psychological center in Armenia

Arevamanuk Psycho-Social Support Foundation is not just an organization; we are a beacon of compassion, resilience, and transformation in Gyumri, Armenia.

Our features

Holistic Care

Arevamanuk adopts a holistic approach to mental health, recognizing that well-being is influenced by physical, emotional, and social factors.

Client-Centered Approach

We prioritize individualized treatment plans and actively involve clients in decision-making regarding their mental health journey.

Why choose us?

Rooted in the belief that mental health and psychosocial well-being are fundamental human rights, we dedicate ourselves to making a profound difference in the lives of individuals and communities.
Our Professional Team

Our Specialist

Armine Gmyur
Armine GmyurՀոգաբարձուների խորհրդի նախագահ / հիմնադիր
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Կարինե ՍտեփանյանՍոցիալական աշխատող
Հերմինե ԱյվազյանՍոցիալական աշխատող
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